I Am Fed Up (with bodybuilding)
By Dennis B. Weis "The Yukon Hercules"
I suppose it
is a sacrilege in the present youth-dominated
bodybuilding game to even write about what I personally consider
to have been "The Golden Years of Bodybuilding." I
consider those years to have been in the 1960s when such
bodybuilders as Dave Draper (www.biophase.com),
Larry Scott
Bill Pearl (www.billpearl.com),
Poole, the late Chuck Sipes, and Sergio Oliva (www.sergiooliva.com)
roamed the pages of the bodybuilding magazines as the top
superstars in the sport. Each one was and is to this day
unto themselves. To give you an example, in some of the bodybuilding
magazines today there is a "Guess Who?" page where
the head of some top bodybuilder is missing in the photo
only his or her upper and lower torso is showing. It seems
that the bodybuilders today are so generic in their physical
appearance that you can guess it to be one of any 5 or 6
Not so back in the 60s. Put a photo of Sipes in the
magazine minus his head and it only would take a millisecond
to identify him just by seeing those monster-like forearms,
or it if was Larry Scott, his arms and shoulders would be
a dead giveaway.
Back in the 60s, there were only a few good bodybuilding
magazines from which to choose from. Today it seems that going
to the bank for a small business loan to start up a magazine
is no problem at all and new bodybuilding magazines flash
by us from year to year. Open up the magazines and you will
see all kinds of articles on the current superstar of the
moment and without exception most have found it cliche to
say "I am natural." Bull S_ _ _!
Are we supposed to believe that
when the "natural"
superstar doesnt look any different from a chemically
enhanced user? On top of that, it seems that every superstar
can bench press at least 500+ pounds on a bad day, squat 700
lbs. for 10 deep and easy reps. Oh, and dont forget,
each of these guys claim to have at least 21-inch plus arms
cold and a 31-inch waist. Ah, the magic measuring tape which
adds, subtracts and multiplies. I find it laughable that
guys claiming the huge arms never weigh more than 220 pounds
and the guys with the 31-inch waists always weight at least
240-265 lbs. Right! How about a battery of tests in which
accurate bodypart measurements are taken (and with a steel
measuring tape) along with contest bodyweight (fat versus
lean muscle mass) and some actual strength performances.
with this, tests should be scheduled which can determine
drug usage, the results of the usage, etc. Publish these
results and also make them available to the readers of the
bodybuilding magazines. I seriously doubt that many of the
top bodybuilders would go for this and more than likely when
they hear about it would be out of the door faster than Canadian
sprinter Ben Johnson out of the starting blocks in a 100-meter
I remember back in the 1970s one top bodybuilder went so far
as to have a notarized statement published in one of the bodybuilding
magazines which stated he had never taken anabolic steroids
to develop his physique. What a crock! Have you ever seen
a notary actually read a statement (in full) presented to
them? Not many do. Usually they just want to sign off the
statement and get that person the heck out of the office.
The other side to this story is that the bodybuilder who went
to all the trouble to have his statement notarized has suffered
the negative effects of heavy anabolic steroid usage during
his previous bodybuilding career.
Another thing that really irritates me is that there is when
a top bodybuilder endorses a certain product supplement line
and says that it developed his physique from that of an untrained
bodybuilder to a top superstar in amateur bodybuilding competition
in a little less than a year. While the photos show him to
be in sensational shape, the truth be known he looked like
a contest-winning bodybuilder previously, and where was that
supplement company then?
Not only that, but I get really steamed when I see an ad
a muscle magazine or Website for a course, book, or audio
or video tape, and order it, and then I get my cancelled
back or see that my credit card has been charged many weeks
previous to receiving my order. I really go into a silent
rage when I do receive my order and find out that the ad
10 times better than the course. It really chaps my ass when
I cant find the authors name on the course. He
is either ashamed of his work or he doesnt want the
Better Business Bureau tracking him down.
In a lot of the commercial gyms back in the 1960s, there
to be an atmosphere of kinship. There was an unselfish feeling
of cooperation and an easy friendliness to strangers. Now
it seems that some of the people behind the desks in many
high-profile gyms give you the once-over and if you dont
meet their subconscious standard of looking like you have
20-inch arms, a 50-inch chest, with a 31-inch waist and 28-inch
thighs, then you are not wanted. Youll know if you
not accepted by the deadpan and vacant look (kinda like Jon
Arbuckle in the Garfield comics) on their faces. However,
that expression of downright unfriendliness can change into
a big cheesy grin if you say that you have $75-100 to cough
up for a one-to-one training session. Once I overhead one
personal trainer advise a client to eat two peanut butter
and jelly sandwiches and a six pack of beer every day to
additional bodyweight. Whew! Was this guy for real or not?
Asking a top bodybuilder for some training advice or a written
workout schedule can invite a royal ass-chewing. It does
that they jealously guard their routines and you are regarded
with suspicion or hostility. One top physique I came in contact
with years ago wanted 250 dead Washingtons before he would
let anyone measure his arm. There werent any takers
on that particular day, but I am sure he found one sooner
or later for as the saying goes, "there is a SUCKER born
every minute and two to take him." A lot of the physique
shows today are usually a cold and unsuccessful attempt to
entertain a disinterested public.
Many of the contestants who enter
these shows are so narrowly
devoted to their respective interests, they seem to have
time left to enjoy it. Years ago I overheard one top amateur
bodybuilder say that he would give up his marriage and his
left nut to be a Mr. America winner. I suppose he thought
if he did win his ego and his image would live happily ever
after. Yet this same type guy upon questioning couldnt
remember the previous 5 Mr. America winners. That should have
show him and anyone else how fleeting fame is if he or anyone
else does happen to win a top title in bodybuilding. Each
bodybuilding show is merely a whistle stop (they think) on
the road to the top. I remember reading in the gossip section
of one bodybuilding magazines that one top pro had been banned
for life from competing in certain sanctioned bodybuilding
shows, and why? For trying to beat the dog crap out of a contest
promoter because he didnt place as well as he would
have liked. The guy should have faced up to the fact that
he looked like a Potato Boy at that particular contest.
Check out some of the bodybuilders
in the gyms and at the
various contests, especially at the Expos at the two
top pro shows. They walk around like they have a corn cob
stuck up their ass. Plus compared to their over-inflated (Synthol)
arms, the necks on some of these guys look like sticks stuck
in candied apples. These pumped up egotists live blindly in
a narrow little world of muscles thats for sure.
One thing that would get a billy
goat to puke was having
to listen to all the hype years ago that one top pro bodybuilder
used to spread around about his age. It seems that this guy
would go to great lengths to tell anyone who will listen
he was 60+ years of age. Horse pucky! This guy was only 52
years old at the time he was doing all the bantering and
about his age, give or take a year. This same individual
wasnt blessed with the best mind for math. Not only
can he not figure out his age, but he used to run ads in bodybuilding
magazines for audio cassette training tapes. He would state
in the ad that the tapes were 60 minutes in length. The simple
fact is that the tapes only had 14 or so minutes of information
on them. I wouldnt have hired this guy as my accountant
anytime soon.
Have you noticed that in the last
couple of decades how many
self-proclaimed experts have come along with some supposed
new bodybuilding technique or exercise style? One guy will
say "train with volume" another says do "only
one set per bodypart." These are just a couple of examples
of what Im talking about. Each claim that their way
is the most effective way of training ever conceived. Give
me a break! You can be sure of one thing. Nothing but nothing
that is written about in the various muscle magazines in-so-far
as exercises and training principles are concerned are new.
The exercises and training principles were being used 60
100 years ago but now they have just been given new names
and presented as startlingly new. I think this is grossly
unfair, and cheating by taking the credit away from those
to whom it rightly belongs.
Its a great disservice to those new bodybuilders who
come into the sport believing that the body they want can
be achieved in 3 months. As the late Vince Gironda, the "iron
guru", used to say, phooey! Its a proven fact that
you cant even get the body you want in three years.
If I train from now til Doomsday, I will never bench
500 lbs. and you can better well believe that I wont
have a 20-inch arm busting out my shirt sleeves.
In conclusion, I am really disillusioned with some aspects
(not all) in the world of bodybuilding, and it is no longer
the inspirational and pleasant hobby that it once was for
me. I Am Fed Up (with bodybuilding)!